Monday, August 26, 2002

So... hm. I'm at the ROM, and am about to head out for cheap Chinese with Stacey. But before I do, here's one of the many stories from this past weekend.

The Ringwraith.

Remember my encounter with the Nazgul at Toronto Trek, back in early July? Well, the same costumers were at the expo, too, and there again, was the Ringwraith. I got all excited as it (he) headed past the booth and said, "Nicole, look, it's the Ringwraith ! The Ringwraith !! YAY THE RINGWRAITH !" the latter being said with muppetatious waving of arms above my head. Needless to say, the wraith turned around to see who was causing such a commotion. I swear I heard it chuckle and I even think I saw it's shoulders lift at the same time. I might be wrong. Anyway, it paused there a moment and then raised it's gauntleted hand and wiggled its fingers at me with a lovely clinking of armour. I think it remembered me. Whee !