Thursday, July 25, 2002

Okay, I put my old template back up because that other one just stank and frankly, I like this one the best.

Last night, Carrie and Al joined Rick and I for the Dream in High Park (A Midsummer's Night Dream) and it did not disappoint. It amazes me just how many times they can do this play and it never gets tired. Each time, just about, they do it differently, and it never stinks. Ever. This time they used a child to play Puck, something I've never seen before, and you know what? It worked. It worked well. The boy was excellent, truly. It had music, as always, and wacky costumes, and generally, it was really good. If I have any complaints it's that the lord of Athens (I forget his name) was stiff and spoke his lines in a manner that did not reflect the punctuation, rather the lines as they were printed in the book. The other complaint was that the woman playing Titania lacked ALL the grace of a faerie queen, truly. Her voice, however; was marvelous, so she can be forgiven somewhat. Sadly, the whole event was marred by my low-grade migraine that sat in my head the whole day. It waited until the play was over to get worse, though, so that's good, or at least, better than it might have been. Everyone should see the Dream, though, if they can, because it was great. Go !

Today at Heretic it was mostly boring, though Rick dropped in mid-day and was quite buzzed from running into someone he was friends with in Hamilton and going for beer together. He's so ... cute when he's buzzed. All kissy and inappropriate for a place of business. *teasing*. I had a crazy person, though, which certainly wasn't boring. He wasn't the nice sort of nutjob we usually get. I don't mind them; no, this guy was a crazy jerk. First he pretended to pee in one of the chalices, then he molested the manequins, and then when he put a skirt on his head, I cracked. I've had it was jerks in the store. I told him to take the skirt off of his head. When he gave me attitude, I told him again. When he said he was planning to buy it, I said, "Fine, when you give me the money, you can wear the skirt anyway you want, but while your in the store and it's not yours, it comes off your head." He then muttered something and finished whatever he said with, "...or would you just rather have sex with me?" I said, "I would rather you take that skirt off your head and get out of the store." He introduced himself as though talking into a microphone ("Hi my name's Joe, what's yours?") and I said, "My name is take off the skirt and get out. Now." So, he did. I've never been mean before, not to the crazies, not to the jerks (at least not that mean), Hell, not even to the neo-nazi. This one, though, was a real offensive little prick. And since the store's closing anyway, I didn't give a rat's ass. Anyway, both Sandra and Nicole agreed with how I handled it. Go me !

I walked home after work, in order to get good exercise, to Dufferin. Hahahaha. Big mistake. All the good fun stuff for the World Youth Day pilgrims is happening at the Exhibition grounds, where the Dufferin bus goes. Well, to make a long story short, I walked most of the way up Dufferin, too, because the buses were all full of pilgrims. I walked with some Canadian pilgrims (with the exception of one girl from Florida), a girl whose name escapes me, a Franciscan monk who never told me his name, and a guy from Salmonarm BC named Tyler Piccini. The surname was on his flag, which is how I know. *grin* We had WONDERFUL conversations about faith and Judaeism as the foundation for Catholocism and wow, they were awesome. I'm not talking about the girls, they weren't interested, but Tyler and the monk were amazing. People who think that faithful Catholics must be walking through life with their eyes closed are fools. Sure, there are plenty of ignorants, just like there are in secular life, too, but there are plenty with eduation and open minds. My Om Steen in Holland would have been pleased. It was wonderful and I had a lovely time with them. I hope they enjoy the rest of the week and Mass with the Pope. I think it's amazing.