Last night with Oboe was alright, but he's clearly missing his people and I simply wasn't any decent substitute. He did eventually curl up by me on the couch as I dozed in front of the old "Spiderman" cartoon (I woke up shortly into the following show, which was "The Incredible Hulk"). We played, and I changed his water, which was a bit grubby, and then I left. He got about an hour and a half of nearly undivided attention from me, and I'll do the same tonight.
There was talk of going out with Megan, but she was supposed to phone me over the weekend to make plans and she never did, so as far as I'm concerned, we don't have a date. Christian, who I saw briefly after work yesterday, invited me to this very cool poetry book launch. The poet is Motion, a well-respected dub poet who's spoken word is riveting. Unfortunately, despite there being bits of food and a free book in the evening, the fifteen dollar cover is too much for me. I think I'll just go home, chill with Willi, visit Oboe, and fix the broken links on my webpage.
Tomorrow is the big general meeting for the ROM full-time union, including the manditory strike vote. Yes, that's right, things have ground to a halt and it's come to this. Of course, the turn-out will be pathetic, and then they'll never get a yes vote, but the fact that it's come to this is so stupid. If, by some miracle, they do vote to strike, I've promised myself that I WILL NOT cross the line. No way. I've asked my boss if I can attend the meeting tomorrow and he gave vaguely lame answer about if the part-timers aren't in this then I don't see why... blah blah. My response was that whatever affects the full-timers affects the part-timers to which he replied, "You have different collective agreements." I said, "Well, yes, but ours is based on the full-time agreement and in places it even refers to it." Anyway, I don't know if he'll let me attend, so I've just decided that I'll go on my lunch. I'll take an hour lunch in order to go since it's from noon to 2pm, and I'll leave before it's over. The employer wants to seriously withdraw any employee rights. Scary.