My God, I am so tired, I can't believe I thought there was any chance of going dancing tonight. Anyway, I'm have a productive, if irritating, evening updating Ray's website. There are so many images, though, it's driving me insane, especially since the links refuse to co-operate. Gah !
Friday, Techknight came over and we worked on the Dungeon Siege module, or at least the concept part. Well, actually, first I had to pick him up after the ROM, then I had to go upstairs and marvel at his amazingly clean rooms. The place he lives is for sale, so for showings, he had to not just tidy up, but clean the place from top to bottom. It's amazing what a change comes over a room with a little cleaning. From there, we went to Loblaws and bought the makings of a tasty dinner. I barbequed a couple of steaks for us, and he insisted on doing sausages (which did not turn out to be delicious) and turkey bacon (yum !). We'd bought feta-stuffed jalapenos and a huge tub of chickpea salad. Topping everything off was some pita, babaganouj, hummus, and red wine (yes, I had a teeny glass). Then I watched as he updated Natasha, removing the nasty spyware that programmes like Morpheous inject into our computers. He also updated several things, making it run more smoothly, or rather, make DS play. Then he watched as I familiarised myself with the game a bit, finding it quite enjoyable.
When Nick came home, we sat down and brainstormed, though Nick wasn't entirely helpful. He's sort of anti-help; he gives out the ideas that make you say, "Uh, no." We have decided a couple of things, for sure: principle weapons, and some of the principle baddies. I'll just say this: lobsters. Ha ! Weird, weird us. Anyway, I also roughed out the first sketch of the main character, though it's not what she's going to look like. I'm not sure what our timeline is for this project, but modeling the number of characters we're planning is going to be huge. Not to mention the terrain. I've never really done terrain. Well, I've done some, but mostly it was just rocks and flat surface-type things. Anyway, it's going to be marvellous practice, and it should be fun.
Yesterday, he and I (since he slept over) picked up Rick and headed out to Anime North, the big anime convention in Toronto. It was a super-fun time, though the costumes were not a hit with Rick. Oh well. I inisted on taking a photo of one hugely tall sailor scout - she must have been 6-7 in her heels, easily. Judging by the art room, I think that next year, I'll do it. Sure, anime's not really my thing, but what the hey, might as well. It won't be worse than some of the stuff there. The art show was a bit of a disappointment, too - very poorly presented. I had a mango bubble tea, and we stopped for lunch in the hotel restaurant and it was pretty good, at least my bruschetta was. We sat in on part of one of the guests (from Bandai) talking about, well, anime. Then the room was taken over by what we were, in fact, waiting for: Name That Tune. That was a riot, and I got to see TK's friend, Chris, in action. He is WAY too much like Nick. There cannot be two, and yet.... I wonder, if they were put in a room together, would they explode? Sadly, the Masquerade ran exceedingly late so I missed it, because Rick and I had a prior engagement at the Fox and Fiddle.
Last night was the Realms of Despair May Get Together. We arrived and the place was packed. What is this need for people to congregate in bars to watch sports (in this sitation, hockey) and pay twice as much per drink than they would if they were watching and drinking at home? This I do not understand. Anyway, the Leafs survived another day and the place emptied somewhat afterward, allowing me a place to sit in order to enjoy my fajitas. Yum. There was much fun, though the music was disappointing, and there was fun and back rubs and laughter and pool. Good stuff. Rick spent the night afterward, which, uh, was also fun. ;)
Today, at the store, a big surprise ! Some of the better costumed people from yesterday at the convention came in - and I recognised them. Wee, among them was Sailor Tall ! Keen ! They, were fun, though they didn't like the hotel staff. Huh, well, what can you do. It wasn't a terribly nice day to be in the store. It was so beautiful out, and so few people wanted to come inside, but the anime folks did, and I directed them to the Silver Snail for mangas and whatnot, and Oak dropped by, bearing watermellon. He was a bit scattered, trying to buy cord, or something, and he was hot from marching in the sun, bearing watermellon, dressed in black. Mostly, though, the day passed as usual, and then I came home.
For the last four hours, I've been working steadily on this damned webpage and the images REFUSE to work for me. Ask me if I'm impressed. No, don't. If I can't make them work on this upload, I'll try again tomorrow night after the ROM.