Thursday, May 30, 2002

I am about to clip out part of an email Tanya sent me concerning me and where I can be found on the Internet... oh, and Ryan too. Sadly, Carrie didn't show up except for Tanya's guestbook entry:

I was bored and procrastinating and did a search on names of people I know in yahoo canada... I found 4 matches for Maya Hirschman (Mabolica, of course, turned up several, because of the sith thingy and whatnot... plus places where you'd signed people's guest books!).Anyhow the matches were: your portfolio, the Opseu cartoon, an alumni page from Northern Secondary (You graduated in 96?? I'd forgotten you're a year younger than me!!).This one made me laugh most, where they quote you in the 5th paragraph!

I went to the last one and laughed, having forgot about that streeter that I did. I never did eat at the Veggie caf, but I didn't eat another mystery meat at school again, either.

Of interest, I put in Ryan's name and there's some other Ryan Telfords in the world but it turned up his many conferences (and even a copy of his Nicaragua paper!), his membership at CISS and this one made me laugh to, he's also mentioned in an article on Wood Elves: Look at the section titled 14.3.1 Glade Riders and Combat... 3rd paragraph. Kinda neat. I wonder if he knows bout it?...

I wonder if he knows, too. Anyway, I'm going to be late for work. Toodles.