Friday, April 19, 2002

It's a ROM day today. I hate being cooped up in this unhealthy-aired, stuffy building on beautiful days. It is beautiful today, too, because despite the still ridiculously high temperatures, there's a pleasant, cool breeze blowing. The trees are already coming into leaf, which is just... stupid. It's supposed to be a high of 10 tomorrow, which is about 17 degrees cooler than it is today, and they're talking about going below freezing Saturday night. Oh, and did I mention snow? Ya. The high on Sunday is supposed to be... 3 degrees. I think there are some seriously crossed wires.

In other news, unrelated to weather, one of Canada's favourite topics, I finally got my portfolio online last night. Sure, there are some MAJOR browser issues, for instance, it's only viewable in later versions of icky Internet Explorer, but I'll have that finished soon. Find it here. It's great ! (I hope my link works. I'm not used to having to type in my html to blogger, it usually gives me the little make-link button.)

Also, here's something nifty - I did indeed get my cartoon up and posted on Mom's union strike site and it looks nifty. Scroll down and hit the "Back to the table?" link. I think it might get put in the newsletter, too. Go me !

Anyway, I'm getting remarkably little done at the ROM today, so I think it's best if I, you know, went back to work. ;)