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the "which country are you?" quiz here. by
Okay, so this is what they said:
yowza! you are merrie olde england!
scholarly, reserved, and quiet- but kinda kinky. trash and tea is how you like it
you hve a good sense of tradition, but also relish a nice vinyl catsuit. you are
the country that made pastoral erotic. you are set in your ways, and don't like to be
bossed around, but hey- remember "the white man's burden?" guess you're a bit of a
hypocrite too. but hey- a commanding artist is rare to find.
My second choice was France, which seems an unlikely pair, but the link's broken, so let's read the next one. No, those links (to America and Canada (kick-ass) don't work either. And I'm not sure of my fifth place match which is Iraq. Nevermind then, England it is !