I've been recovering from the tenth migraine in 35 days. Tomorrow, I am going back to my doctor (I was just there on Monday) so that she can refer me to a neurologist. Mom is pushing for a brain scan, and frankly, as it just gets worse and worse, I am too.
In other news, I've been painting a ringwraith miniature for the Games Workshop LotR game competition. I won't win. I never win. I am far too subtle a painter. Oh well, it's a bloody (especially around the horse's hooves) nice piece of work and I'll get it back when the competition is over. I even painted a portion of the 'One ring' verse to encircle the base. I figured I'd use the portion that concerned the ringwraiths directly: "... nine for the mortal men doomed to die..." Cheery, hey? I inscribed it in Tolkien's runic alphabet, even. I had intended to do it in Quenya, but I just didn't have the patience of all the curviness.
Also, I went to see 'The Royal Tenenbaums' last night (the last ten minutes being mostly overpowered by a more-severe-than-average migraine) and I must say that it was lovely. It wasn't nearly as laugh-out-loud funny as I thought it would be, but it was intelligent and sweet in ways I never dreamt it would be. Overall, a success. Also, one of the very few roles in which I liked Gwyneth Paltrow. It was serious and emotional and heartwarming and entertaining. I don't think most of the viewers here in Peterborough get the urban (Jewish?) neurosis quite the same way Mom and I understand it, you know, that first-hand experience thing, so a lot of them left feeling weird. One couple brought their child and left within the first twenty minutes because the movie clearly wasn't what they thought it was going to be. Meh. I was charmed. And also hurting in the head, so perhaps a second viewing will show me things the pain blocked out. Yes. Good idea.
Anyway, I'm going to bed. My head is still very tender and this monitor with its bizarre wobble doesn't help at all. It may even be partially to blame. Anyway, more to say another time, but while I'm gone, check out this link.