Tuesday, January 15, 2002

OH MY GOD ! I just saw my animation on the big tv monitor ! Holy shit ! It's so exciting, and it's so great ! It has some serious animation timing problems, and one of the camera cuts is *nasty* which may have been what Nick was talking about the other night, but since only one seems to jar, perhaps not. Anyway, if I had one more day - which I don't, I would fix the cuts. And the timing. No biggy. I'm coming back, regardless, and I'll fix it then. The lights are quite amazing. Lights are fun.

And, just for you, Nick, I lost the shadow on two footlights. ;) It didn't make much difference. WOOHOO !

I'm not going to be home in time for Buffy, sadly. I hear she cut her hair off. Oh well. I'll see it next week, I guess. I should have set my VCR to tape it, but I've lived so long without a VCR that I quite forgot that I now have that capability. Maybe I'll be home in time for Angel. Nah, probably not. This is the longest stretch I've ever spent here. I think I'll finally end my day at something like 15 hours logged. Wait, there was that time before Christmas when I was in until 5am - nope, that was 13 hours. Today wins.

Tomorrow is my last day. I can't believe it.