It's all over. It feels so oddly wonderful. Rick joined a bunch of us from school to see "Fellowship" again, and it was good... and it still makes me cry. That scene after Gandalf falls makes me weep - especially the all-too-brief shot of Merry and Pippin, the one lying in the other's lap, bawling. God, that is one of the most powerful images in the entire film. It should have been given an additional second or two for maximum potency.
I couldn't stop talking last night with Rick at my place. I was so excited to be done that I talked and then slept. Boom, like that. Not the most exciting evening ever, but it was so nice to have the pressure lifted. And the food poisoning. I feel... so... great.
I'm off home to Mom's to set up her Internet so that she, too, can become an internerd. I'll be back to work on Sunday. I have absolutely nothing more to write at the moment.