I didn't feel like crap when at first I awoke. No, it came on shortly thereafter. I feel like I've got food poisoning. I've had it before, and I know what it feels like, and this definitely has that feeling. It just seems strange that it came from food I ate twelve hours, or more, earlier. I had a delicious chicken salad sandwich from Tim Horton's last night after I took Nick to the subway. Chicken and mayo both typically cause riotous stomachs within a couple hours after consuming, so why is this taking half a day? Anyway, I'm suffering through waves of stabbing cramps in my lower intestine. This sucks.
Things went well last night, though, with the rendering and whatnot. I worked on my titles and credits, which are pretty cute, I guess. Maybe I should have gone with simple, but whatever, Daniele says to make it memorable, and white-words-on-black credits are a dime-a-dozen. I don't know how nicely mine will work, but, it's worth a shot. Tonight I'm going to rough the whole thing in Adobe Premier and colour Alloisius' shoes (red, I think), and then render the whole damn thing again. I'm pretty excited. It's almost done. Good thing, too, since I have to show-and-tell it on Wednesday. I might be at school all night, though, which means that couch in the lounge is going to start looking darn cozy.
Back to work I go, cramps and all.