I came home and rolled into bed for a well-deserved nap, before, what I'd hoped was going to be a couple of hours on the MUD, and woke up an hour and a half later with a migraine. Grr. It was a sort I'd never had before, something like half of a hairband stretching over the left part of my head. Unpleasant. Maxalt saved the day, though, quite superbly. In the end, I got something like over fourteen hours of sleep, so I'll probably be able to stay really late at school tonight. Yay?
I can't believe I agreed to go dancing with Ryan on Wednesday night after school ends. I can't believe I'll be able to stand, let alone salsa ! Hopefully Rick won't be jealous. I haven't gone dancing in ages, and salsa is fun, and Ryan knows what he's doing, sort of, and... well, FIVE BUCKS. You can't beat that. I think I'll invite Rick over on Saturday night after D&D, which I am still unsure as to whether or not I'll be attending.
Correction. I just this moment read my email. It seems Ryan has decided to cancel D&D. After all the shite that has gone on, I'm not surprised, but you know, especially after all this shite, it's really poopy to cancel. Oh well, I guess I'll spend the eve with Rick. Okay. And I'll start thinking of the campaign I'll run for the gang.
I think I'll head into school around 4 today and stay to midnight or so. First I'm going to zip over to Fluevog and see about spending my 200$ gift certificate. Whee ! Shoes fix everything. I'm not sure why, but they really do. Shoes are super good, handy (footy?), and important. And in the case of Fluevog, stylish. It's the only namebrand that I actually seek out and buy on purpose. I used to be like that with Docs, but they just lack so much in quality now, that it's not worth the money.
My cat is crazy, I have to go.