The Powers that Be have sent me another message, in the form of a migraine headache. All my stress about needing to get my assignments done for today, for school, became moot as I came down with the fully fledged headache sometime around 11pm last night. I'd developed some very low-grade pain while at work, but the insanely busy day kept me somewhat distracted. Unfortunately, by the time I discovered that West Wing was a rerun, and opted to vege unhealthily in front of "Behind the Music: Megadeth", I was starting to feel my brain chug to a halt.
I should have known what was coming when all day at work I was knocking things over and having communication problems. My co-ordination always goes through the tubes just before a migraine, and my sense of smell heightens. I was smelling fumes that no one else was smelling:
"Do you smell butane?"
"No, why?"
"I swear I can smell butane."
"Weird. Maybe close the door."
"Ya, good idea."
It did not help, either, that when I went to bed nice and early (well, for me - around 12:30am), Willi insisted on demonstrating all of the unique paw-to-paw passes that she'd taught herself lately. I have never seen her play with her stinky spotted mouse as much in one 12 hour period as she did last night. All over my bed. I wanted to kill her. NOW she's sleeping. What is wrong with cats? Why do they think 9am is the appropriate bed time? Are they all secretly university arts students? Yeesh.
Anyway, I'm off to Rick's tonight. I feel pretty lame, but I need to see him. I miss him. *sigh* I know, I know. Also, he'll get to take care of me, tonight, too, which he likes to do. I never let him, usually prefering to suffer alone in silence. We're going to watch "The Princess Bride", too, which is nice, cause he wanted to watch "Aliens", but I've been sort of in bad spirits, and he knows how much I love TPB. Awwww.
I'll have to come back to my place in the morning to get ready for work at Heretic. I'll have to dress nicely, too, because from there, I'm heading straight to Susan's house (an old friend from highschool). From there, we're off to Holy Blossom Temple to go to a special Hanukkah service for 20-30ish people. Wacky. I haven't been to synagogue in something like eleven years.