Uhg, two days in a row when I've woken up with driving headaches. I called out of the ROM this morning. The last place I would ever want to be with a driving headache is doing data entry at the ROM. Horrible. Well, maybe being at a construction site would be worse, but I'll avoid both if at all possible.
I'm going to see "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" tonight, which is terribly exciting. I suppose I'd be more excited without the head pain, but what can you do? Hopefully by the time the movie rolls around, the pain will have subsided somewhat. I'm going to wear my cloak. I haven't worn it in at least a year, possibly more, so I think it would be a darn good idea. Cloaks suggest magic, right?
I was thinking about "Fellowship of the Ring" too, and how much I want to go in 'garb'. I'm going to make a nice black tunic and bring my riding boots back to Toronto, find some black tight pants (see, I should have bought black breeches ever so long ago, but nooOOooo) and that will be a darn good start. I'll probably wear a puffy shirt under the tunic, too, just for fun. Then there are my fancy arm guards that need an airing... And of course, to top it all off, I'll wear my cloak. It will rock.
Speaking of clothes, since I'm home today and only mildly functional (really that's only a little worse than normal), I guess I'll do my laundry. I didn't do it last night because I was 'grainey. Uhg. A head ! A head ! My kingdom for a head !