Ack ! I just read Nick's weblog from yesterday (Hallowe'en) and I got to a section about what he might have liked to dress as, had he been going out. This is what I found:
"Well, suppose those were too much work, or too uncomfortable. Next plan would be to have a shirt that says "Safe Sex Guy" written on it somehow, and then whenever someone says "What makes you 'Safe Sex Guy'?" I'd start to unbuckle my pants. Yes, I'd be wearing a condom all day. What makes this idea extra great is that then I'd try to convince Maya to actually have sex with me so that I could be wearing a used condom around all day. Ugh! No, it wouldn't work either."
Niii-iiiiick, I think you're disgusting !!!! Guh. *shudder*
Anyway, I'm off to Ricks tonight, so more logging tomorrow. Whee !